Capo, I have the entire complete Sopranos series box set, and Paulie telling Johnny Sacramoni about that joke made by Ralph Cifaretto and then denying it to Tony was not disloyalty, you could say that lying is a disloyal thing to do when speaking to the Boss, but in that situation Paulie did the best thing, Paulie did that to prevent himself from getting whacked, now if it any other situation where he lied to Tony about something else, than that would be bad, but in this situation it would be an exception, or if it were a case where the FBI approached Paulie and ended up ratting to save his own life, than that would be disloyal even though Paulie would never do that. Besides that incident, any other time Paulie always remains loyal to Tony. Capo and Pizzaboy, how many times to I have to get this through everyone's head, the Mafia was loyal for hundreds of years, then certain people within it started to get greedy and ended up ratting, but disloyalty did not appear much within the Mafia until the 1970's. Everyone on this forum is acting like the Mafia had no loyalty and respect when in fact it did for a very long time.

Ya know one thing about us wise guys? The hustle never ends.- Tony Soprano