Pete Rose has been kept out of the baseball HOF for 20 years, but was one of the best players in the history of the game. Donte Stallworth killed another human being and served less than one month in jail. Michael Vick killed an unknown number of dogs, served 2 years in jail, and has been reinstated to the NFL. Leonard Little drove drunk and killed a woman and still played football afterward. Ray Lewis was, if not directly involved, a witness to two murders and he received no punishment.

Can we all agree that all of the incidents/crimes I described were far worse than gambling? Don't get me wrong, I thought what Rose did was terrible and hurt the integrity of the game. He deserved to be punished, but enough is enough. But Rose did not damage the game any moreso than how the game was bastardized by the steroid users like Manny, A-Rod, Bonds, Clemens, Canseco, Big Mac, Sosa, Palmiero, and countless others. I would include Bud Selig in the steroid era as a big enabler - he quite obviously looked the other way while homeruns sailed out of ballparks and fans came through the turnstiles.

Rose has served his time in many ways. It's time to let him in the HOF, but ban him from anything else related to MLB: managing, ownership, coaching, scouting, etc. They should also try to figure out a way to seek the prevention of Rose selling any other books/movie deals.