I'm in favor of Pete Rose's reinstatement for selfish reasons as he played for my team and was a key to the 1980 World Series team. I've not seen a fiercer competitor in baseball in my life, and I can only imagine this is how Ty Cobb played. I hated him when he was on the Reds because he always found a way to beat you.

If another star had committed these acts, I admit I would not be in favor of reinstatement. Betting on baseball is the mortal sin within the sport, whether or not it involves throwing games. I believe that while steroids have provided a huge scandal for the game, this issue is less detrimental than players/coaches betting on the outcomes of games.

I am, however, as said, in favor of reinstating Rose. While he has his supporters in the Hall, like Reggie Jackson and Mike Schmidt, I doubt the present members will elect him.