Reading this thread confirms my beliefs; no one (except SVGG) obeys the Speed Limit, or even knows what it means, but even worse, our country is full of people who don't know the laws, don't care to know the laws, could care less how they might fit into the flow of traffic, don't care what's behind or on the side of them and generally get behind the wheel and press down on the gas. They don't put their headlights on when it rains or is foggy (daylight running lights don't count because your tailights aren't lit), they don't use their directionals, AND yes, they talk on the cell phone or text and drive too slow in the middle lane. I wish I had a bazooka because I would blow these scummers off the road. Of course no one on this BB would be a target.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12