The conventional wisdom is for a novel, submit one chapter(?)...for movies/screenplays/television proposals submit a treatment no more than 5 pages which includes character descriptions as well. I am interested to hear from others who have the 3 inch file of rejection letters too...BTW - I was told by many to STOP trying to create the next Sopranos...It will be at least 3-6 years before the market will be starving for another series like The Sopranos and it MUST be different & unique or fuhgettaboutit. Every outlet has been FLOODED with Soprano wannabes and the industry is way turned off. My info is not "bible", I'm just passing on info I have personally experienced. NEVER let ANYONE talk you out of creating - ever. That would be your biggest mistake. What you create today may be wanted 5-10 years from now. Just save all your stuff for a "rainy day".