Originally Posted By: goombah
Although he didn't have a huge role, I was glad to see Jackie Jr. get whacked. He was such a prick to Meadow.

I agree that Livia at least made things interesting, although she was a pain in the butt. I always loved that smirk she gave Tony when she was getting oxygen in the hospital after he found out she & Junior tried to have Tony killed.

I didn't like Jackie, Jr to much as well. But the women sure thought he was hot. The Soprano character I hated the most was I'm sorry but Tony Soprano himself. He was a self centered jackass who treated his wife Carmella like a piece of crap. No wonder why she cheated on him with the painter guy and almost with Furio. To be honest they people he treated Bad like Furio, Bobby Baclava, Alley Boy, Carlo and Junior were the coolest ones in my book. My favorite was Furio. He was a true gangster. I surprised Tony didn't have him killed, though.