Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
uhhh, uhhh... what exactly makes Bush so stupid and Obama so smart?... uhhh, uhhh, because they both went to Ivy League schools?... uhhh, uhhh, because Oliver Stone hasn't made a movie about Obama's marijuana and cocaine years?... uhhh, uhhh, because leftist NBC and their SNL haven't made a caricature out of Obama?... uhhh, uhhh, because Obama's college papers have never been made public?... uhhh, uhhh, because Bush is the devil and Obama is god?

Oh right, Obama was the head of the Harvard Law Review and a "community organizer". I now bow down in allegiance to his unmatched intellect.

1. Bush got into Ivy league schools cause he was a legacy. Obama did it on his own. Furthermore Bush had a totally undistinguished record at school.
2. Obama can speak in complete sentences, Bush cannot.
3. Obama is actually doing his job, and ha not handed it over to his vice president.
4. In case you missed it they are making fun of him on SNL.
5. Obama was a community organizer, and Bush was a drunk who was handed a baseball team which ripped off the taxpayers and which he then old for a profit (after he traded Sammy Sosa). Bush was also AWOL in the National Guard (which he got into through Daddy's pull when he should have been in Vietnam).
6. Obama has written (without a ghost writer) two best selling books. It is unclear whether Bush can write at all.
7. Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit.
8. Bush did not keep the country safe. 9/11 happened on his watch and he had been clearly warned about it.
9. Bush took us into Iraq based on lies, and we are still stuck there.
10. Because of his brilliant deregulation plans (which go back to another moron, Ronald Reagan) the economy melted down in the fall of 2008.
11. Bush appointed John Roberts to the Supreme Court. Roberts committed perjury in the confirmation hearings when he denied he wa an activist judge. He is an activist reactionary. Also he does not know how to administer an oath (or perhaps he did that on purpose).

Damn right you better bow down to Obama's intellect.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."