I thought KNOWING was rather silly. The big reveal isn't bad, hell its something one would find I suppose in old school sci-fi magazines. KNOWING came dangerously close to becoming a funny unintented-produced comedy this side of his awful WICKER MAN remake.

But as a whole, questions kept popping up:

*If locations, diasters, and body count were pre-determined/fated, why even bother trying to live? No offense, but those mysterious people wasted alot of time and resources for their goofy little game. I guess they rocked their socks off though.

*Why do such movies deploy the lazy idiotic stereotype of a guy losing his religion and going all-for-science? That isn't thoughtful or humanistic, that's a cartoonish concern. Contrast this with Paul Schrader's DOMINION, where the protagonist doesn't necessarily denounce "religion" as a whole, but rather is conflicted by a true eternal theological dilemma: Why God lets evil people live, yet kill good people.

*Off-topic, but why is it people usually selective in thanking or needing God? If something good happens, they earned it. If bad, its the Big Man upstair's fault.

*Why steal the door from the school and take it home? Why not just take the damn tools over there? Because really, if someone saw you driving with a door ripped off the hinges in the flatbed of your truck...wouldn't you question his judgment?

*Then again SC, remember that scene when Cage explores the airplane wreckage? That guy on fire runs by him, and Cage yells. Not yell in "Let me help you!" but more like "Hey asshole, I don't care if you're burning, come back here!"

*Remember when Nicholas Cage was an actor?
*Remember when Nicholas Cage was a GOOD actor? Shit he won a deserving Oscar a long time ago.
*Remember when "Nicholas Cage" didn't associate with "Shit Movie"?

*Also, is Alex Proyas the new Alex Cox? Incapable of producing a good film despite his first two terrific productions in THE CROW and DARK CITY. Hell KNOWING felt like a retarded pseudo-intellectual hack's take on DARK CITY of sorts. Pathetic.

did kinda like the soundtrack though, and Cage's response when he sees the world burning to hell.