GP, your post illustrates an almost appalling lack of understanding of the US Constitution, US Supreme Court rulings on that Constitution and statutory laws, the organization of procedures of the US Congress, and economics.

What in the world does this mean?: "the taxes if passed will continue to rise on them, the same as all the other taxes to the point that no one will be LEGALLY be allowed to afford to have a LEGAL gun." What in the world does legality have to do with affordability? How is one "allowed" or not allowed to afford something (By the way, read SCOTUS Heller decision and opinion, March '08)?

Presidents do not create nor eliminate jobs. What don't you understand about that? Have you ever heard of economic forecasting or strategic planning. Busineses do it all the time and it is that forecasting and planning that dictates the creation or elimination of jobs by those businesses.

Presidential term limits originated during FDR's administration as a proposal of Republicans and Southern Democrats who opposed FDR's New Deal. In other words, it was politically motivated. Attempts to repeal the 22nd Amendment as recently as 2006 were, ironically, proposed by Republican House members James Sensenbrenner Jr. of Wisconsin Henry J. Hyde of Illinois.

The President's call for a national security force is to combine and expand community organizations such as VISTA and AmeriCorps and to add other corps that would address and service specific community needs.

Last edited by olivant; 07/05/09 08:50 PM.

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