pizzaboy, its not a point of how many guns someone needs, the taxes if passed will continue to rise on them, the same as all the other taxes to the point that no one will be LEGALLY be allowed to afford to have a LEGAL gun in their house for the protection of themselves and their family.
while its true that congress passes the laws, as several posters have mentioned the dems have the majority of the votes. i saw pelosi's reaction when obama won the election. it looked like she had the BIGGEST ORGASM OF HER ENTIRE LIFE. i don't recall her exact words, but, it was something like " we are back in charge".
2,000,000 jobs have been lost in 6 months since the chosen one been in power. how many more will it take?? how many car dealers and related jobs have been lost? an energy bill is being passed that will cost more to heat and power homes. he's talking about cutting costs, but he wants to have a civilian national security force - to the tune of $500 billion dollars - Obama said] "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. Who do you think they are ging to report to ? any guesses ?? why not put this money into existing law enforcment agencies to hire more officers / agents / equipment?
and lastly, as i have said he wants to repeal the 22nd ammendment limiting presidential term limits.


Guiseppe Petri