Originally Posted By: Fame
Was it a bomb?

RRA often use that word to describe a shitty movie. But I believe you mean the opposite, as in whether it was very successful, and my answer is no, it wasnt.

I wouldn't use the terms "bomb" or "shitty" with THE SCORE. I only remember it as....MEH. I saw it when it was out in theatres, so maybe I should give it another chance, but I just remember thinking how is it that three acting ubermensch giants in Brando, DeNiro, and Ed Norton could be in the same movie, and I don't care beyond the casting gimmick. Think RIGHTEOUS KILL.

Not a bad technical film at all, but I refuse to associate "good" with it.

How was my Capo impression? smile

Originally Posted By: Fame
But it's not a bad movie. I actually like it, I think it's good. It's just that people expected a really massive hit because you got those 3 stars together, but that doesnt guarantee much. It's one thing to put them all in the same room. It's another thing to make something amazing out of it. I mean, look what happened just recently with Pacino and DeNiro...Righteous Kill.

Pretty much, though SCORE had a very public production trouble. You might have heard the story of how Brando refused to have director Frank Oz shoot his scenes. Apparently the Whale thought Oz was a hack, and openly mocked him as "Miss Piggy" rather purposely. If I remember right, DeNiro had to shoot those Brando shots, based off instructions given by Oz off-set through headphones or whatever nonsense.

Then again, Nicholson supposedly took over THE DEPARTED regarding his scenes, and that won the Oscar. Go figure.

Originally Posted By: Fame
But anyway, to sum it up: it's good, worth the watch, but dont expect a top 10 material.

That's a fair expectation.