Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Janet Jackson has always appeared to be one of the few 'together' members of the family and therefore it came as no surprise to me to learn this morning that SHE is in charge of handling Michael's estate.

An interesting article:

"‘He has as many as 200 unpublished songs that he is planning to leave behind for his children when he dies. They can’t be touched by the creditors, but they could be worth as much as £60million that will ensure his kids a comfortable existence no matter what happens,’ one of his collaborators revealed.

Yet I can reveal that his will, not as yet made public, demands that the three of them remain with Jackson’s 79-year-old mother Katherine in California. It promises an ugly row. Ex-wife Deborah Rowe, the mother of the eldest two, has already made it clear to her legal team that she wants her children in her custody, immediately.
The mother of the third child has never been identified. I fully expect that it will emerge that the children had a ‘test tube’ conception, a claim already made by Deborah Rowe"


Its DailyMail, so take a grain of salt.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 06/28/09 04:57 PM.