Let's face it, folks...this is a HUGELY dysfunctional family, has been for many years, and not entirely because of Michael Jackson. That kind of dynamic doesn't change with fame & fortune; in fact it can get even worse. And it did. This may have led in part to Michael's behavior over the years.

LaToya Jackson spoke out for a long time against the family, expressing concern for Michael, during her estrangement with them, while at the same time having problems of her own with her Svangali-type marriage. She came under ALOT of scrutiny for speaking out and not displaying the so-called 'family loyalty' that some (including Katie Couric) apparently expected of her. While she seemed such a turncoat at the time, some LaToya's worst fears for her brother and family may have come to fruition.

This was certainly not one big, rich, happy family all under the same roof. There are many, many 40+ year old men and women who have little touch w/ their families, famous or not. Why would it come as a surprise to any one if he 'kept a lot from his parents/family' or didn't see them very often but remained close with one particlar parent? Janet Jackson has always appeared to be one of the few 'together' members of the family and therefore it came as no surprise to me to learn this morning that SHE is in charge of handling Michael's estate.

Additionally, why on earth would we expect anybody in his family know what is in his will????? With all the debt he was in, there is probably one big mess ahead and whatever is in the will may do little good for anyone over the years ahead. (Family lawyers might be real happy, though...)

We can sit here and scrutinize on the bb and suspect 'immense grief' from a mother who wants to know where the cash is, but in the end this is a very complicated family in for a very complicated future because of the life and death of this VERY complicated man who pretty much single-handedly put them (and kept them) on the map.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 06/28/09 12:21 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.