Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I agree with SC: very difficult to judge someone whose life has been so largely covered.

Doesn't that make it more easy to judge him? The fact that his life has been so largely covered?

I'm not sad that Michael Jackson is dead. I understand and respect his talent and influence on the music industry, but I can't help but think that he was so great that most people are able to look past him molesting children.

Is it really possible for someone to become so famous that their despicable actions are accepted because we all are in awe of the fame? It's a sad example of current society.

It does seem that way sometimes doesn't it? Both OJ and MJ were acquitted, BUT most KNOW or at least have little doubt that both "got away with it" due to their celebrity. Look at the fans cheering OJ on during the Bronco chase and those cheering MJ on during his molestation trial. It is a sad commentary if anyone, for instance, sits on a jury and truly feels one is guilty, but due to celebrity finds him/her innocent.

On a lesser scale (crime-wise), look at all the sports figures involved with steriods. Everyone knows I don't have an interest in sports, but that's F-ing cheating IMHO. They should be thrown out on their asses if you ask me. How can you think they are so great if they play illegally? Well, that's another topic I guess. ohwell

Back to MJ..Like most, I truly do acknowledge and appreciate his genius in the music world and have/do enjoy his music. However, although I'll listen to them should they play on the radio or tv, I've not even been tempted to dust off my Thriller album or "Bad" cassette (although I can't say I've thought of throwing them away) since MJ was involved in these pedophile incidents and I can't really see myself doing so. ohwell


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon