Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Hey RR!!

My boss gave me a gift bag which included the latest Bourne book, "The Bourne Sanction". smile I didn't know there was a another book out yet. Anyway, I can't wait to read it AND for the movie (I hope)!!!


Yeah with those damn BOURNE movies' super success, the Ludlum estate (Robert Ludlum died many years ago) hired some new writer to churn out more "official" Bourne books.

BTW TIs, did you know Universal Pictures didn't just buy the rights to all those books including the "new ones," but actually own the character of Jason Bourne? Never heard of a studio actually pulling that off, but its true.

I guess Universal didn't want to make the same mistake EON did regarding that whole THUNDERBALL/NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN fiasco.