I assume you went to mass everyday while in Catholic school? And, I assume it was in Latin? We would answer the Priest in Latin and even sing the responses in Latin.

The priest I mentioned (Father Davanzo), once went to Lourdes France where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Bernardette. He brought back for each of us (it was a small school with less than 100 kids) a medal of Our Lady Of Lourdes which were placed on the exact spot that Mary stood and blessed. I still have that medal. smile

My younger daughter who is going thru rough times right now saw it and asked about it. I gave to her to wear, told her the story and she was so interested that I purchased the old old movie which told it better.

Anyway, if you (or anyone else)remembers there was a song about Bernadette that we'd sing in church . I can't remember the title nor can I find it. All I know is it does have the lyrics "Ave Ave, Ave Maria" in it, but it isn't "The" Ave Maria. I think I heard that line only in the old movie.

Just wondering. We learned so many religious songs back than. Every now and then, one will ring a bell and I'll think, "Hey, I know that." lol

Sorry for boring others. I'm religiously nostalgic today I guess. grin


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon