Originally Posted By: dontomasso

2. When JJ talks of "the handicapped" he does so with a brod brush. I blew out an ACL about 14 years ago in a ski accident and I cannot run, ski or put much stress on it without having great pain, and often for no particular reason it hurts badly enough that I limp. I also have to be careful going down stairs. This is a mild "handicap" but nothing compared to Stephen Hawking. Accordingly I believe JJ's inclusion of "handicapped". in his analysis is imprecise at best .

Again, I'm defining handicapped as someone who is wholly dependent upon others for survival, as per SB's abovementioned post. Obviously, DT, you're self-sufficient in spite of your injury. I think we're talking about more serious cases, such as the mentally retarded, the brain damaged (i.e. Terri Schiavo), the elderly, etc.

It is fortuitous that you should mention Steven Hawking, because he is exactly why these sort of issues of defining "life" are extremely delicate. By and large, he is not self-sufficient, yet we know that he is one of the most highly significant, and scientifically productive, figures in the late 20th century.