The following post is not about Danito, Pinocchio, or any other member. Just my thoughts on "how to disagree (in this forum)" :

First of all, different opinions are a wonderful thing to have. They instigate debates and discussions, and kick some life all around. Sometimes we're right and sometimes we're wrong. And there's absolutely no shame to be wrong about something, we all make mistakes. Imagine a forum where everyone agrees about everything - what a BORING place would that be! if people reply to each and every one of your posts saying "Amen", then you better check their motives. Either that or you're surrounded by clones.

I've been wrong many times in my life, and I still make mistakes every now and then. When people voice their opinion about my words or actions and do so without mal intentions, then I listen. I thank them and then take the time to decide whether I agree or not. Same thing in the forum. As long as you argue a different point without making it personal, then by all means go for it. And if after some time, the argument reaches the point where it doesnt go any further, then it's best to call it a day, "agree to disagree", and move on to the next topic.

Let's say, for example, that my new novel ("Beer, Sunshine, and Sexy Penguins") just got published. Now I get all kinds of comments. If a certain fella tells me "Fame! Your novel sucks! You suck! I hope you die!"
In that case, I'd probably call the local zoo and ask them if one of the monkeys just escaped.
BUT, if someone tells me - "Fame, I just read "Beer, Sunshine and Sexy Penguins" and I have to say I think it's really bad, and quite boring, because A, B, and C...." - then believe me, from the bottom of my heart, I will thank the person for taking the time to express his/her opinion of the book, be it good or bad.
Criticism is a wondeful thing - but it must be done in a respectful manner.

And now about the Godfather threads - surely, there will always be new members asking questions you've heard before. Let's say, a new blood in town that goes by the name "CigarBoy" is asking "Was Michael a bad don? what do you guys think?"

So :

1) If you dont like the thread, you can simply ignore it.

2) If you want to answer the question - cool.

3) If you want to copy and paste what you already said in other threads - cool.

4) BUT if you're gonna let the person know that it's been asked before, then PLEASE dont say stuff like "Oh not again! we had this thread before!" that's a terrible reply, much worse than the actual thread, the kind of reply that will scare new members.

I think a good way to respond is:

"Cigarboy, that's a fine question which has been discussed before. Here's a link to a thread that will answer some of your questions.

Welcome to the forum, Cigarboy!"

Anyways, sorry for the long post. Just my 2 cents. I'll even be as generous to add the enormous sum of 98 cents as well, for just a couple of lousy bucks in return. Deal? grin

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)