Originally Posted By: BAM_233
no comments this time DB?

Hmmm... comments... Let me see if I know you guys well enough that I know your favorite baseball team.

JL - New York Mets
BL - San Francisco Giants
BA - Certain north side team known as daaaaaa Cubs
TM - Hmmm... Tough one... I honestly don't know TM's... Perhaps the Tigers?
GB - I believe it's the Cubs, but not 100% sure
JG - New York Yankees
DB - My fantasy baseball team at the time
FC - Philadelphia Phillies
YO - Hmmmm... Boston Red Sox?

Actually, let's continue this game...

SC - Boston Red Sox
Bethie - Baltimore Orioles
SB, Irishman, Double-J - NY Yankees
Gina - Houston Astros
Pizzaboy, DC - NY Mets
KL - Phillies