Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

They've been reporting how(and I remember the incident) Janet Napalitano had to apologize a few weeks ago for stating (paraphrasing) that the she feared an uprising of White Supremecy/hate groups raising their ugly heads. With the abortion doctor killing and now this horrible killing at the museum, she's evidently not far off base at all.


Statistically these are misnomer crimes, but they're so high profile and public, they effectively with blood silence that GOP argument from weeks back about that HS report being "partisan." Of course people forget the Govt. a few months earlier published a report about left-extremists threats as well.

Anyway, wanna read a stupid statement that I'm sure DoubleJ in knee-jerk would totally agree with?

""Make no mistake. Muslims created this atmosphere where hatred of the Jews is okay and must be “tolerated” as a legitimate point of view. The shooting today is just yet another manifestation emanating from that viewpoint–another manifestation of the welcome mat that Muslims rolled out for fellow anti-Semites of all stripes to no longer be afraid to come out of the closet," - Debbie Schlussel"

Does anyone know why this is stupid?

Well consider that anti-semitism has always been there in Europe and the U.S., and well before Adolph and his boys took over Germany, such prejudice was essentially part of the Ku Klux Klan's ideology in fighting against (besides blacks and Catholics) and in many ways Anti-Semitism was somewhat accepted in the mainstream until World War 2, when the full reveal of the Holocaust altered and destroyed that general tolerance in America.

And well, last I checked, the Nazis were around before those Moslems were even internationally relevant, you know before we discovered oil there.