Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
In "Field of Dreams", doesn't Shoeless Joe say that they won't let Ty Cobb come and play on the Iowa field because they all hated his guts???

Part of that was covered in the movie, "Cobb". During an annual Hall of Fame reunion in the late '50s, many of the greats gathered in Cooperstown and publicly showed their admiration for Cobb, but privately (in a party thrown after the HOF event) barred Cobb from attending the party.

Legend has it that Cobb was traveling with Grantland Rice, a noted sportswriter of the day, in the 1950s and that they stopped off in a liquor store to buy a bottle. The clerk who served them was none other than Shoeless Joe, who had been forced to take menial jobs after he had been banned from baseball. Supposedly, Cobb recognized Jackson right away but Shoeless Joe didn't say anything to Cobb. Ty finally asked him if he recognized him and Jackson replied that he did but wasn't sure if Cobb would recognize HIM because many others from the baseball world had turned their back on him.

Cobb had a soft side, probably albeit a small one.... he basically supported Mickey Cochrane, the great catcher of the 1920s, during his later years when he was an alcoholic has-been.

I highly recommend the movie to any baseball fan!
