I know this is so many months later, but I can't believe this happened to Don Zadjali. I believe it, but I can't believe it happened to him. It's sad that people have to go through those terrorist attacks in the Middle East. What kind of animals fires at innocent people. I see Don Zadjali's posts everywhere and when I see the name I think of the little man in the avatar with a crazy moustache.lol.

Don Zadjali, how is your leg since this shooting? How is your aunt? Did everyone survive or were their any fatalities. I'm glad you and your survived this shooting.

And also, what kind of Tony Soprano shirt was it?

You know, we always called each other good fellas. Like you said to, uh, somebody, :You're gonna like this guy. He's all right. He's a good fella. He's one of us.: You understand? We were good fellas.