I don't think Joe Buck is that bad, it's Tim McCarver that he's paired up with that's horrible. I can't believe how often he uses the wrong players names, or mispronounces them. He was run out of town awfully quick in 2002 when he was the fill-in Giants broadcaster when the Giants went up against the Cardinals in the playoffs. He went on and on about how great the Cardinals organization is and that was the year for them to win it all, etc... When he talked about Giants players it was always in a negative tone, even though he was being paid by them. I don't know why he's always there for the World Series.

I'm rambling about broadcasters now. I guess it's because there are so many great ones and I don't understand how the bad ones get some of the best jobs. They must be sucking somebody in charge hard.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes