Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Question for Yankee fans... who is the broadcaster who says "The Yankees win, TheUHuhUHuhUH Yankees win!"? And does it get on your nerves? I figure it doesn't because you're already happy at the time he says it, but man... how obnoxious. The only other guy who's even more annoying, again don't know his name, is the broadcaster who says after a homerun, "YOU can PUT IT on the BOAAAAAAAAARD, YES!".

Sorry to be negative, but it makes me laugh when I hear those guys because it's so silly!

The only quality broadcasters who cover the Yankees are Ken Singleton, Al Leiter, and Paul O'Neill; they bring depth and knowledge to the game without obscuring it with commentary, notes, and other contrived Kay-isms (the Yankees HAVE to WIN THIS GAMEZ0RZZZ!!!). The rest are pretty bad. John Flaherty is annoying, for some reason. David Cone is a nice guy, I don't mind his voice, but he tries too hard (plus, in an epic gaff last year, he said Ian Kennedy got "jerked off" in the bullpen). Michael Kay is terrible, I mute the game whenever he goes into some sort of tangential conversation (with himself) about the Yankees while shit is happening on the field. John Sterling is the quintessential homer, but he fails...so hard.

Suzan Waldman just makes me want to put a bullet through my left temple.