And I'm saying that a child's right to life is not a function of the circumstances under which that child was conceived. Cruel to ask a rape victim to prove anything? What faux concern is that to someone who is willing to kill a child because the circumstances of the child's conception don't comport with that someone's idea of an appropriate conception. Would it be just as cruel or not to ask the child if he or she wants to live?

And federal and state appropriations of public funds for health care? Such appropriations don't have to exist at all; they are not entitlements. They are by statute mandated. That means that we the people have decided to provide them annually or biannually, but we can also decide to not provide them. How much are we taxpayers supposed to pay for other people's healthcare, childcare, food stamps, housing, and education? How much? Give us a figure. Texas appropriation of Medicaid funding alone is 21.9% of its annual state budget. How much is it in NY state?

I'll tell you what SB. Since you don't think we pay enough, why don't you try and make up the difference? And since Texas provides such inadequate funding for same, you are invited to seek out the poor in Texas and pay a month's worth of healtcare for them, or their rent, or a month's worth of groceries, or even just a week of childcare. In lieu of that, seek out the poor in NY and do the same. In fact, I'll bet there are at least a couple of Board members who qualify as poor. "Offer" to pay their healthcare or daycare premium. Since you are so offended by our Nation's and states inadequate compassion, try translating your pathos into tangible action.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."