Regardless of whether a fetus is a human being, it depends on someone else's body for survival.

There is no situation where we force people to let another to make use of their body for survival even in less significant ways. We do not force parents to donate organs to their children (even if they match and no other donor is available), we do not force people who cause serious injury to donate blood to their victims or anything of the like. In some cases we might think negatively of a person who refuses, but we grant them the choice. And *legal* late term abortions are ALWAYS about saving the mother, or a nonviable fetus.

And does anyone even care what happens to these children after they are born? Did Tiller's murderer frequent adoption agencies and adopt children in need, who's parents made a tough decision to have the child rather than abort it, but were unable to care for that child? Are anti-abortionists donating money to poor mothers who have their children rather than abort? There are SIX MILLION children under 6 years old living in poverty in the US, growing by 10 percent a YEAR. Sure, it's easy to say stop killing babies and to hold signs - but do your own god damned parts and try helping the babies and the children and the families which are currently alive and dying.

If you REALLY REALLY want to reduce the number of abortions in America, rather than making it illegal and yammering about people killing babies, what about affordable prenatal care available to all women, regardless of income? If that means it's free, so be it. What about making birth control widely accessible and cheap, maybe FREE with insurance like effing Viagra? It won't end all abortions, but it's better than murdering a man.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"