I start a new thread because the GFIII thread doesn't seem to fit anymore. Also, I think that there is a need to discuss the style of discussions here which can't be handled via PM, as SC suggested.

Here is my point of view: I agree that this board is very civilised. Nevertheless, sometimes it looks, especially in the Trilogy Forum, as if everything has been said and done. So I think there should be a great tolerance for dissenting points of view, even if they seem to be kind of absurd.

Hollywood Finochio, your style annoyed me too. (I'm not one of the people you're calling "made members", and I don't know you from some old arguments.) I think almost every-one has experienced here the feeling of "Nobody-understands-my-point-of-view". Me too. When this happens, I try to underline my view, refine my arguments, etc. And in very few cases I try a 3rd time. But then I keep my view to myself as my little treasure.
So while I think that some of the members were annoyed by the repetitve form of some of your arguments, I think, what annoyed people most, were the aggressive tone and the self-pity. (If it's not too personal, I'd suggest you to write your post and send them one day later after re-reading. That's what I do when I get angry and feel like shouting back immediately.)

To the rest of the board: I think we should appreciate the dissenting voices, even if we don't like their sound and their volume. If I don't like a thread, I ignore it. I was amazed about the number of responses to a thread which deals with some minor problems of the notorious GF3.
Why should I convince everybody of my p.o.v? As long as HF sticks to the boards rules (like not tricking the c-word blocker), he should stay around.