I agree that the proof comment was out of line, with you, out of line - I apologise, but I felt only the negatives were being drawn from my post and no positives - as usual. Also the fact that you said its been discussed before, I think I'm owed an apology for that.

This board is not civil, my OP was civil and well worded. 'the world is against me' is a common phrase, thats the way I feel on here, I can do no right, unless I become a robotic drone and agree with the common denominator in all things.

My theories were denounced as WRONG by a member on this thread, not just the word wrong in capitals mind, but in BOLD. This member could well get away with ordering a hit on me, in fact, no doubt she'd be congratulated for 'shutting me up', as is the way of this place.

I explained in concise words why I feel as I feel. Someone like you Tomasso, or Olivant, and the excellent Turnbull, can respond to a post without stating in print that I can't think the way I think, and then accuse me of posting stuff purely for attention or any other such crap. Just read the OP...I put my heart into it. In the words of Joey Zasa, I have been treated with no respect.

It's a witch-hunt, people are out to get me and I won't idly stand by and be humiliated time and time again. I've asked Don Cardi to delete me as I can't bear to be in a community that has a gang-up culture and stops me from having whatever the hell opinion I want. I have too much pride

When I'm gone, the members in question can give each other a metaphorical high-five that they've drummed a fine GF fan out with their spite.

Last edited by The Hollywood Finochio; 06/03/09 01:36 PM.

Sonny - Well then, business will have to suffer, all right? And listen, do me a favor, Tom. No more advice on how to patch things up, just help me win, please