Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Hey, olivant, you bend over for some stranger and then tell me how much you would want to bring his child into this world. Oh, that's right, you never have to make that decision, because you're a MAN.

I'm not saying I would abort a child conceived in such a way. I'm not saying I wouldn't. I'm saying that it's a woman's CHOICE. It's up to HER. She's been violated ENOUGH. To say that she has to prove that she's been raped before she can make that choice is beyond cruel.

That's what I was responding to, if you go back and reread my post. What I said was, "...you are asking a rape victim to survive a humiliating, degrading and violent act and then have to PROVE it before she's allowed to make a choice..."

Pro-Lifers like Freddie C. assume Pro-Choice folks like killing babies or something. Maybe that's what FC and DoubleJ talk about when they get together, how those feminists love to abort for kicks on their free weekends or some shit like that.

Then again, if you think about it, Pro-Life as such folks propogate, is anti-religion.

Religion in itself, specifically Christianity, is about your choice to follow the teachings and gospels of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, or you cast your lot with the Devil and the armies of Hell. You choose the glory of Heaven, and you get to go there and be graced and so forth.

But if you're forced to worship "God"...then how legitimate and honest is your spirituality and faith?