Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
How is it an opinion that they were human beings? What were they then? Cows? Fish? Chickens? Do a google image search of "late term abortion" tell me what those "things" look like.

I've seen better FX. Like IT'S ALIVE that was pretty awesome.

Originally Posted By: Freddie C.

I'm not advocating his murder, but I think it's hypocritical to be outraged at his single death and just ignore that fact that he had been responsible for 60,000 deaths.

Then why defend the murder? Unless of course you dont mind people getting murdered in a church lobby. Do you?

Originally Posted By: Freddie C.

And have you ever noticed how all the people who are pro-abortion have already been born?

And why is it that most pro-lifers are men?

With your knee-jerk logic, you should be anti-Death Penalty.

Thankfully I am pro-choice and pro-Death Penalty, so I am Pro-Death.