It wouldn't matter if he performed them because the woman's health was in danger or not. While I don't agree with late-term abortions personally, it's not my choice to dictate. Dr. Tiller broke no laws. He performed a legal medical procedure. And was slaughtered, in God's house no less.

As for rape victims, who are you to say? Do you know how many rapes go unreported? How many are date rape? How many are a case of "he said, she said"? Do you know how difficult it can be to prove rape?? And yet, you are asking a rape victim to survive a humiliating, degrading and violent act and then have to PROVE it before she's allowed to make a choice about whether she wants to carry this animal's child??????? What if the rapist decides that he always wanted a kid, the burden of proof hasn't been met, and, using his parental rights, he forces her to have it? What then? No rape victim should have to survive only to be forced to go hat in hand to some judge or jury to beg.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club