Commissioner's Note
Although I veered from it this weekend, this is the trade policy I will follow for the rest of the year. You all have seen this (except for perhaps BAM and Yogi) so you should all be familiar with it from our past leagues.

Trade Policy - I will generally approve all trades unless I know there's collusion or I'm convinced that there's been a mistake involved.

I will only overturn trades in 2 scenarios:
1 - I am somehow convinced that an accident occurred in an accepted trade.
2 - If a trade is seriously, I mean seriously, out of whack - e.g. Johan Santana for Oliver Perez. Usually, there's collusion if a trade like this goes down.

Also, the following is the schedule of when trades are effected and the new players show up on your rosters:

Day 0 - Trade agreement is reached between the two players and it shows up on Yahoo.
Day 1 - Trade is approved.
Day 2 - New players appear on your roster.

The one day lag between when a trade is accepted and the trade is approved by me is to give me time to see the trade. In case I don't see it right away (i.e. I don't see it until Day 1 instead of Day 0), I'll approve the trade right away.