What i hate about GFIII is quite simply the immobliare thing and the arch bishop. It was just really dull, really boring. We wanted to see the characters get involved in deep deception but there was just to much talk about the vatican

GF III does have some excellent moments thought, the Confession of Mike to Lamberto - a standout scene to be sure, plus the delicate deviance of Altobello. But overall, the pathetic Sofia Coppola's performance is so bad that Garcia looks to want to burst out laughing. Some characters, like the twins, Calo, and Neri don't get enough screen time, and Connie's dialogue is just dumb, really dumb.

End of the day, FFC struck once with managing to nearly emulate the first film, to do so again without Duvall was impossible.

Last edited by The Hollywood Finochio; 05/28/09 10:12 AM.

Sonny - Well then, business will have to suffer, all right? And listen, do me a favor, Tom. No more advice on how to patch things up, just help me win, please