It wasn't the so called redemption of Michael. That was actually a valiant idea because the character had to have grown in the 20 odd years since the close of GFII; otherwise he would've been impossible to watch for two hours.

Basically, I think FFC just TRIED TOO HARD to both bring the story forward a notch and yet, rest it on the shoulders of the first two. That opening party scene mimicking those of GF and GFII was the first mistake, and it went downhill from there.

He added things to the story that were absolutely unnecessary (like Vincent) and let go of things that were (like Duvall). It was over-written and over-produced. Several crucial roles were pathetically miscast. Pacino over-acted (Although if you think about it, what choice did he have?).

So many factors contributed...impossible to list all, yet the bottom line is from the word GO...GFIII just wasn't meant to equal the greatness of its predecessors. Perhaps if FFC had begun on simply that premise, he might've come up with a less ornate, yet far better movie.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.