Hello everyone.. my laptop is still currently broken.. so I only get to get online when I go to my friends house and use hers. And even then I only really have time to check my myspace, facebook, or email.. so that's the best way to get ahold of me til I fix my computer or get a new one. I'm gonna switch up my email on here so that it'll get sent to the email account I usually check, as opposed to the yahoo one.

Lots has happened recently. I got married in October, I have a step-daughter. She's beautiful. 2 days before Valentines day my husband told me he wanted a divorce. Could be a record, 4 months, I think. I'm still technically married because his broke ass can't afford to file the papers and everything that needs to be done, and I'm not paying for it cuz it wasn't my idea, dammit.

Anywho, its been 3 months since that happened and it was hard at first, but I'm way better now. Its weird, but I'm half-glad it was ONLY 4 months, ya know? Any longer and this would be way harder. I moved out of the house and into my own place back in Morgantown. I got a new job where I've met tons of new people. I've got guys actually drooling over me for once, which never happened before. I go out more. I feel like a new Bogey. haha. The worst part of the divorce is that I won't be a step-mom anymore. I love that kid.

Other than that not much has happened in my life. Married, divorced, new job, same town, new Bogz. All in all, I think I'm a better, more mature person now. I'll try and check in more often.

And Fame, I learned my lesson. No more roommates tongue

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club