While his interviews are 'limited', they are still with people who are in total agreement with him. Yawn. It's easy to give commentary, pull quotes here & there and point out what one perceives as 'inaccuracies'. But if Olberman had any real guts, he'd be willing to engage in a bit of debate, which he is clearly afraid to do. Chris Matthews on the other hand, is a liberal who's show is at least a bit more interesting, because he DOES have on guests with opposing views.

The challenge from Olberman is a silly ploy to begin a little war with Sean Hannity, who as everyone knows has about a million more viewers, and always welcomes spirited debate on his show (both tv and radio). Hannity (and all others at FOX) are wise to ignore him, because why should they bother to give attention to anyone at a network they are clobbering in the ratings. lol

Keith Olberman is the Barney Fife of politics; all full of bluster when it works for him, but apparently unable to hold his own (if he has one) in a real challenge. Two big differences: 1. Olberman isn't funny and 2. He doesn't have a pal like Andy to prop him up).


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 05/19/09 07:58 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.