Originally Posted By: Paddy
I was living in Springfield when Gotti died. Used to drive past the prison hospital every day when he was still staying there. It looks like an Ivy League dormitory from the outside front (except with razor wire around it).

But the story at the time was, he actually died in an "undisclosed" civilian hospital in Springfield. The biggest was Cox South and is probably where it happened, if the story was true.
If it is true then I believe I know what hospital it was, and no it wasn't Cox South.

And for the record he died in a federal prison, but was recieving cancer treatment at St Johns in Springfield. I know this because my girlfriend's uncle is a medflight pilot for St Johns and was the one to airlift Gotti from the federal prison to St Johns.

Last edited by scarfacetm; 05/19/09 07:15 PM.

"Death is the answer to all problems. No man, no problem."

"I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not"