I thought Sofia was uhh... Pretty bad.
Just sort of spoke in a mono-tone...
It's a frustrating movie becasue there were just a few things they could have changed to make it great.

1) Sofia Coppola... I know Wynona was supposed to be there and it was a last minute thing but... She was just too "Duh" and un-convincing.

2) The scene at the beginning with Michael's award from the pope felt like it was trying to relive the wedding scene from GF1 with the singing but badly. Good to see Fontaine but.. Ugh.

3) Connie. Connie in my opion had way to bigger hand in this film, being in the sit down with Vincent and Zaza, making decisions on clipping people.. Her singing in the beginning, her quip with "Will somebody please hail mary" in front of the bishop..

4) Vincent. I know he's supposed to be Sonny's boy but he was over the top, he was the 'Jackie Jnr Aprile' of the Godfather, he would never have been a Don, the shouting, the lack of control etc... Just thought it was a bit over the top.

If these things were different, it could have been so much better.

"Just when I thought I was out.. They pull me back in"