Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Andy jumped the shark as soon as it went color. Which coincidentally, was when Don Knotts left...

My favorite episode is when Andy gets the English butler----the guy who played Dr. Bombay on BEWITCHED. Opie asking for bubble and squeak and saying cheerio to Aunt Bea is priceless.

Andy Griffith has said in interviews that he progressively lost interest in the series and by the last season was mostly phoning it in. I agree that the show was never the same once Don Knotts left and it went color. I never have interest in those episodes.

I once saw 'bubble & squeak' being prepared on an English cooking show (Two Fat Ladies - seriously, that was the name of the show!). It's seriously loaded with fat - good thing that butler took off or Opie would've turned into Danny Partridge.

Regarding the 'gay' theories:

Helen was meant to be a one- or two-time minor role as Opie's teacher; but eventually became Andy's girlfriend when the chemistry between the two actors became apparent. Since they eventually wed (as a way for Andy to get off the show), I doubt she can be included in the theory.

When Ken Berry took over the town, he too was a widower & immediately provided a love interest played by Arlene Golonka.

Howard Spraig - Gay as a picnic basket.

Aunt Bea - Dyke city (and according to some, recently re-incarnated in the form of Rachel Maddow).


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.