Well, talking about our Rights from the point of view of Civil Law and Constitutional Law, it is not fair breaking private life of a person, no matter if he is a killer or not. Despite he ordered the killing of many people, nobody have the right to break our privacy. I don´t know about USA Constitution, in Argentina Article 19 of our Constitution protects that matter. If I were a relative, I would sue the one who shows a private matter against my will. In Argentina there is a jurisprudence called "Ponzetti de Balbín", it was about a magazine which took some pictures of Ricardo Balbín, (a long time politician who lost against Juan Domingo Perón the chance to become the President)being in a critical condition, in coma and conected with so many machines you can imagine in a critical condition area. Those photos were published in a famous magazine, and his widow sued against the Magazine telling it broke the family privacy and SHE WON the trial. There is another case about a Former President, Carlos Saúl Menem. The magazine published a matter about an unknow son he has, Menem sued against the Magazine and HE WON. The fact is the same, the magazine borke his private life. On the matters you don´t hurt other people, you can do whatever you want in your private life. If someone get into your privacy against your will, you have the right to be protected by the Law.

Last edited by Don Pappo Napolitano; 05/12/09 01:55 PM.

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