Every so often, elderly people with Alzheimer's, and even dementia, have been known to have a lucid moment or two. Joe Girardi better hope that Big George doesn't have one any time soon. If the man had his faculties, and this was ten, fifteen years ago, Girardi's sorry ass would be toast. Mattingly and Torre are both way too classy to publicly gloat, but I'll bet they're both privately laughing their asses off.

I was in the car late last night listening to John Sterling grumble how the Yankees just couldn't catch a break. He actually used those words---couldn't catch a break. Uhm, sorry John, when your team can afford the highest payroll in the history of organized sports---that's any sport---that's a pretty big break in and of itself. You guys know I'm a Met fan, but a Bronx guy too, so I really try to give the Yankees my support, unless they're playing the Mets. But listening to John Sterling and that groupie, Suzyn Waldman, makes it really difficult. Yankee fans deserve better than those two boneheads.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.