Originally Posted By: whisper
Would have been pretty drunk I reckon. People get that drunk that after they do the crime, they completely forget to finish off the plan properly and end up hanging out around the streets while the description is out on them.

I would bet that same thing Whisper. I used to play in a band and our drummer (always the drummer who gets in trouble) broke into a gas station with some friends at night and stole a ton of crap including rolls of lottery tickets. The next question I always get is "Did he win?" but he didn't have time to mess with the tickets because he was so drunk he didn't even know he had them in his house. He hung around long enough to be caught on cameras and license plate numbers were taken and he ended up in jail for four or five months.

I was pissed we didn't have a decent drummer during that time.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes