Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Oh and the one about the transvestite who you think is a woman throughout the movie, until.... Damn, can't think of the title. Again, not award material IMHO, although man did that freak me out. eek RR you know your movies. Which one am I'm talking about? Can't remember the title.

THE CRYING GAME, same one that critic Gene Siskel spoiled on national TV.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Even in the 60's, I walked out on 2001 Space Oddesy (is that the correct title? with Kier Duella (sp)?

I'm sorry TIS, but I'm afraid I can't do that. grin

Of course I've never understood walking out on a movie, especially after you paid.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Of the films I mentioned, the one that I can see myself seeing one day is Benjamin Button (and no I'm not really a Pitt fan, although I don't dislike him). It subject matter captures my interest.

For some reason, Pitt under director David Fincher seems to kick ass in acting. Otherwise Pitt has a bad tendency to coast on his physical charisma (i.e. SPY GAME), though he was also good in Tony Scott's TRUE ROMANCE, Ridley Scott's THELMA & LOUISE, and Coen Brothers' BURN AFTER READING (which you would quite enjoy TIS.)

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

It would appear I don't get out much judging from how far back I went to mention Academy movies I've seen. lol Yet, really, I do enjoy the movies from time to time.


I think a good question to ask you is, what genres do you enjoy most?