Originally Posted By: Mark
I just watched "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei. Pretty good movie if you like wrestling but an even better movie if you like Marisa Tomei playing an exotic dancer!

I think that's rather dismissive if one only likes it for the wrasslin or the titties. And really, I think the point of Tomei wasn't to be erotic but...sad?

Sure I'm a wrestling afficiondo, but THE WRESTLER was fucking great. No narrative/filmatic fat, everything and everybody with a purpose and doing their job, Rourke showing again how he was a great actor who pissed his career away for too many years, and Tomei getting a chance to rebuttal some of those who won't let go of that MY COUSIN VINNY win.

Of course Darren A. the director himself said that THE WRESTLER was a boxing melodrama, just made at a time when that sport was dead, so he picked another physical beat-down profession.