Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Yes, 20 were hit in the last 4 games and I believe 15 of them were hit to right field. So, to say it's a small porch would be an understatement. Am I worried? No, because it's the same distance for Yankee hitters as it is for opposing players.

I was thinking about this some more and the problem with it is that when you have good pitchers, like Sabathia, pitching in a park that can destroy them, it messes with their heads. Most pitchers need to feel routine, and if they pitch a couple of bad games at home, they will probably pitch a bad game on the road as well.

Colorado was a perfect example of that. Before the humidor they tried to get the best pitchers they could, but when that high altitude screwed up their game and rhythm they would go on the road and pitch bad as well because their confidence was shot.

I hope the Yankees can do something to fix this homerun problem because the better quality stadiums there are across the country the better it is for the sport.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes