Well, this thread is almost a year old, but I feel the need to revive it. Today I jogged 6 miles. That may not sound too impressive, but here is the story behind it.
I have never jogged/run 6 miles in my life. Last year I set a goal of jogging 5.9 miles on my 59th birthday. I didn't do it. I was workin my way up to my goal, but 2 weeks before my birthday I got a wicked head cold and then the weather turned cold and I didn't do it. When the weather started to warm up, I got back in training; 2 miles, 3....4 and today 6+. Now I'm thinking about 10.
To accompanying my 6 miles, during Lent (that's a Catholic thing) I gave up vodka for 6 weeks.
So if any of you are thinking about changing a habit - yes, it's tough, but it can be done. I was told it takes 21 days to form a habit or break a habit.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12