Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Interesting to list any likenesses between Obama/Lincoln. Off the top of my head, without looking anything up:

1. Both from Illinois (although born in other states)
2. Both took oath of office on the same bible
3. Both are tall tongue (anyone know actual heights. Lincoln was very tall I believe)

Ok, that's all I can think of this early. Can anyone else think of likenesses. I'm guessing there is much more.


Both were lawyers and both served in the Illinois state legislature.

Lincoln, by the way, was our tallest president at 6'4". That height in the 1850s was as common as 6'8-9" would be today. When he ran against and beat George McClellan in 1864, it marked the largest height differential between presidential candidates. Bush towered over Dukakis, and made a point not to allow Dukakis to escape his presence too quickly before and after debates.
The next tallest president was Lyndon Johnson, who at 6'3" was half an inch taller than Thomas Jefferson and Bill Clinton. Presidents, who were 6'2", are Bush (H.W.), Arthur, FDR and Washington. They were half an inch taller than Obama and Reagan.

Also, Michelle Obama is the second tallest first lady, less than an inch behindElanor Roosevelt, who many believe is the greatest first lady.