Originally Posted By: olivant
Freddie, you need to consider the results of adversarial relationships. What derives from such relationships? You Freddie probably derive some type of emotional satisfaction from them. Okay, so if the President doesn't meet with Chavez or speaks disparagingly of him, your emotions are assuaged, right? But, how is that productive for this Nation which the President represents?

See if real life was like Pro Wrestling, Chavez would have grasped his hand...then clothesline, and piledriver him through a conference table. Then Obama issues a match at the PPV, where Obama with the 'Bama Slama wins.

Originally Posted By: olivant

Others on this Board have posted that the US has had cordial and productive relationships with China since the early 70s despite the fact that China's governments since then have been among the most repressive of this planet's governments. In lieu of such relationships, what would have been the result of an adversarial relationship with China over the past several decades?

One less, very lucrative, market for American commerce, among other things.

Also, no Yao Ming. Just remember that Rockets fan.

Imagine if Cuba had opened up decades sooner in the 1970s. The U.S. could have been a fortune down there, but since Western Europe has beaten us to the punch...we're scrambling to get a thin slice, if and when we get down there. Our national cigar industry will orgasm when it happens though.