Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Well one thing we know for sure about Obama and this whole pirate thing is that he is no Jimmy Carter.

If the whole situation had gone south like that doomed Iranian rescue operation in 1980, then the right would have pegged him hard there.

But since everything fortunately went right, the GOP looked bad this weekend for claiming the President won't take any strong action. I mean you had Newt calling Obama a Jimmy Carter on sunday, then next day issue a public statement praising the President's handling. That political calculation backfired.

Now believe it or not, this may surprise you, but I won't go Obamamaniac and give the President the credit for this rescue as the MSM is doing. I just think he was right to give discretion authority to that Navy commander on the scene, and be on top of it without panicking or worse, coming out in hammer-strength about not negotiating with terrorists, only if shit hit the fan, to come off as looking...well, Jimmy Carter.

That pirate situation is a criminal enterprise that won't end anytime soon, much less within Obama's Presidency, but damn it felt good for a moment to tell some crooks to NOT FUCK WITH THE UNITED STATES, didn't it?