Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
This is great news. I have long time friends in South Florida who are Cuban expatriates, and they're absolutely thrilled by this news. The bullying restrictions that were put in place in 2004 were absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully this will lead to all travel restrictions to Cuba being lifted one day.

And quite counter-productive.

Isn't it strange how we re-opened relations with Vietnam, that country we were at war with that were quite infamously nasty to our POWs and other shit, but with Cuba which we've never been at war* with nor anything close to conflict outside of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Embargo and no relations stays in.

I mean there is a threshold crossed when Republican Dick Lugar said it should be done with.

*=That is you don't count the covert shadow wars in Angola or Nicaragua and whereever the fuck, but who does?